




2013.09–2017.06    四川大学  生物工程专业  大学本科/工学学士

2017.09–2022.06    四川大学  发酵工程专业  硕博连读/工学博士

2022.08–至今       贵州大学  生命科学学院  特聘教授







5年来以第一作者或通讯作者的身份在Food ChemInt J Biol MacromolInt J Syst Evol MicrobiolPrep Biochem BiotechArch Microbiol3 Biotech等国际权威学术期刊上发表SCI论文10余篇;申请国家发明专利3项;长期担任Int J Biol MacromolInt J Syst Evol MicrobiolPrep Biochem Biotech3 BiotechMicrobiologyOpenCurr Microbiol等多个国际SCI期刊审稿人;作为骨干参研了国家重点研发计划(2017YFB0308401; 2018YFC1802201)、四川省重点研发计划(2017GZ0430; 2020YFS0287)等多项国家级和省部级课题。



[1] Longzhan Gan, Guangyang Jiang, Yichen Yang, Bijun Zheng, Shihao Zhang, Xiaoguang Li, Yongqiang Tian*& Biyu Peng. Development and characterization of levan/pullulan/chitosan edible films enriched with ε-polylysine for active food packaging.Food Chemistry2022388: 132989.

 [2] Longzhan Gan, Guangyang Jiang, Xiaoguang Li, Shihao Zhang, Yongqiang Tian* & Biyu Peng*. Structural elucidation and physicochemical characteristics of a novel high-molecular-weight fructan from halotolerant Bacillus sp. SCU-E108. Food Chemistry2021;365: 130496.

 [3] Longzhan Gan, Xiaoguang Li, Heming Zhang, Ruoshi Zhang, Hongbin Wang, Zhe Xu, Biyu Peng* & Yongqiang Tian*. Preparation, characterization and functional properties of a novel exopolysaccharide produced by the halophilic strain Halomonas saliphila LCB169TInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2020;156: 372–380.

[4] Longzhan Gan, Xiaoguang Li, Hongbin Wang, Biyu Peng &Yongqiang Tian*. Structural characterization and functional evaluation of a novel exopolysaccharide from the moderate halophile Gracilibacillus sp. SCU50. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules2020154: 1140–1148.

[5] Longzhan Gan, Xiaoguang Li, Jia Chen, Shihao Zhang, Ruoshi Zhang, Biyu Peng* & Yongqiang Tian*. Gracilibacillus salitolerans sp. nov., a moderate halophile isolated from saline soil in Northwest China. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology2020;70(6): 3701–3710.

[6] Longzhan Gan, Xiaoguang Li, Yongqiang Tian* & Biyu Peng*. Genomic insights into the salt tolerance and cold adaptation of Planococcus halotolerans SCU63TArchives of Microbiology2020;202(10): 2841–2847.

[7] Longzhan Gan, Yi Zhang, Rui Tang, Beike Liu, Shiting Wang, Mengyao Hu, Zhenjiang Li & Yongqiang Tian. Genomic characterization of a potentially novel Streptococcus species producing exopolysaccharide. 3Biotech20199(4): 132. (IF2019 = 1.798)

[8] Longzhan Gan, Yi Zhang, Lingli Zhang, Xiaoguang Li, Zhikuan Wang, Linling He, Zhenjiang Li* & Yongqiang Tian*. Planococcus halotolerans sp. nov., isolated from a saline soil sample in China.International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology201868(11): 3500–3505.

[9] Longzhan Gan, Shuai Zhang, Yi Zhang, Shuang He & Yongqiang Tian*. Biosynthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles by a halotolerant Bacillusendophyticus SCU-L. Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology201848(7): 582–588.

[10] Longzhan Gan, Xiufeng Long, Heming Zhang, Yanyan Hou, Jiewei Tian, Yuqin Zhang & Yongqiang Tian*. Halomonas saliphila sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from a saline soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology201868(4): 1153–1159.

[11] Longzhan Gan, Heming Zhang, Xiufeng Long, Jiewei Tian, Zhikuan Wang, Yuqin Zhang, Yumei Dai & Yongqiang Tian*. Ornithinibacillus salinisoli sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from a saline-alkali soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 201868(3): 769–775.

[12] Longzhan Gan, Heming Zhang, Jiewei Tian, Xiaoguang Li, Xiufeng Long, Yuqin Zhang, Yumei Dai & Yongqiang Tian. Planococcus salinus sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from a saline-alkali soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology201868(2): 589–595.



电子邮箱:lzgan@gzu.edu.cn; 2548339819@qq.com
