胡国雄,男,汉族,中共党员,1987年10月生,贵州盘州人,博士,教授,硕士生导师,九州体育(中国)官方网站副院长。主要研究领域为植物系统学、保护生物学、植物资源学。目前以第一作者或通讯作者在Annals of Botany, International Journal of Botany, BMC Genomics, Weed Research, Phytokeys, Phytotaxa, Nordic Journal of Botany, Plants, Diversity, 西北植物学报、植物科学学报等国内外核心期刊发表研究论文20余篇;参与编写《中国维管植物科属词典》、《中国维管植物科属志》、《贵州野生兰科植物鉴别手册》等专著 3部。主持国家自然科学基金2项,贵州省科学技术基金、国家林业和草原局、贵州省林业局等项目10余项。目前任贵州省野生动植物保护协会理事、副秘书长,贵州省植物学会理事,《泛喜马拉雅植物志》编委会委员。荣获贵州大学2018年度“卓业基金”青年教师类三等奖。
1. 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目,32060048,基于RAD-seq的鼠尾草属丹参组的系统学研究与分类修订,2021.1-2024.12,在研,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,31600164,泛喜马拉雅地区鼠尾草属的分类修订,2017.1-2019.12,结题,主持
3. 贵州省科技基金一般项目,黔科合基础[2016]1049,东亚鼠尾草属丹参组叶绿体基因组系统学研究,2016.10-2019.10,结题,主持
4. 国家林业与草原局项目,2019073005,贵州省北部地区兰科植物资源调查,2019.6-2020.7,结题,主持
1. Jiaxin Yang, Guoxiong Hu*, Guangwan Hu*. 2022. Comparative genomics and phylogenetic relationships of two endemic and endangered species (Handeliodendron bodinieri and Eurycorymbus cavaleriei) of two monotypic genera within Sapindales, BMC Genomics, 23:27.
2. Ting Su, Yan-Fei Geng, Chun-Lei Xiang, Fei Zhao, Mei Wang, Li Gu and Guo-Xiong Hu*. 2022.Chloroplast Genome of Salvia Sect. Drymosphace: Comparative and Phylogenetic Analysis.Diversity, 14:324.
3. Guo-Xiong Hu*, Ting Su, Ming-Tai An, Xiao-Yu Wang. 2021. Rediscovery of Pogostemon dielsianus (Lamiaceae: Lamioideae), a rare endemic species from southwestern China, after one century. Phytokeys, 171(2): 61–73.
4. Hong Wu, Peng-Fei Ma, Hong-Tao Li, Guo-Xiong Hu, De-Zhu Li*. Comparative plastomic analysis and insights into the phylogeny of Salvia (Lamiaceae). 2021. Plant Diversity, 43(1):15–26.
5. Li Gu, Ting Su, Ming-Tai An, Guo-Xiong Hu*. 2020. The Complete Chloroplast Genome of the Vulnerable Oreocharis esquirolii (Gesneriaceae): Structural Features, Comparative and Phylogenetic Analysis. Plants, 9(12), 1692.
6. Guo-Xiong Hu, En-De Liu, Zhi-Kun Wu, Kenneth J. Sytsma, Bryan T Drew and Chun-Lei Xiang. 2020. Integrating DNA sequences with morphological analysis clarifies phylogenetic position of Salvia grandifolia (Lamiaceae): an enigmatic species endemic to southwestern China. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 181 (8): 787–799.
7. Ming-Tai An, Xin-Yong Cui, Jia-Xin Yang, Guo-Xiong Hu*. 2019. The complete chloroplast genome of the threatened Dipentodon sinicus (Dipentodontaceae).Journal of Genetics, 98:4.
8. Ricardo Kriebel, Bryan T. Drew, Chloe P. Drummond, Jesús G. González-Gallegos, Ferhat Celep, Mohamed M. Mahdjoub, Jeffrey P. Rose1, Chun-Lei Xiang, Guo-Xiong Hu, Jay B. Walker, Emily M. Lemmon, Alan R. Lemmon, and Kenneth J. Sytsma. 2019. Tracking temporal shifts in area, biomes, and pollinators in the radiation of Salvia (sages) across continents: leveraging anchored hybrid enrichment and targeted sequence data. American Journal of Botany, 106 (4): 573-597.
9. Ting Su, Jia-Xin Yang, Yao-Guang Lin, Nian Kang, Guo-Xiong Hu*. 2019. Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of Sparganium stoloniferum (Poales: Typhaceae) and phylogenetic analysis. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 4(1): 1402–1403.
10. Guo-Xiong Hu, Atsuko Takano, Bryan T. Drew, En-De Liu, Douglas E. Soltis, Pamela S. Soltis, Hua Peng and Chun-Lei Xiang. 2018. Phylogeny and staminal evolution of Salvia (Lamiaceae, Nepetoideae) in East Asia.Annals of Botany, 122(4):649–668.
11. Hu Guo-Xiong, Liu En-De, Dong Hong-Jin, Ting Zhang, Jie Cai & Xiang Chun-Lei. 2017. Salvia luteistriata (Lamiaceae), a new species from northeastern Sichuan, China. Phytotaxa, 314(1):123–128.
12. Yanfei Geng, Guoxiong Hu, Sailesh Ranjitkar*, Yuhua Wang, Dengpan Bu, Shengji Pei, Xiaokun Ou,Yang Lu, Xuelan Ma and Jianchu Xu. Prioritizing fodder species based on traditional knowledge: a case study of mithun (Bos frontalis) in Dulongjiang area, Yunnan Province, Southwest China. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2017, 13:24.
13. Geng Yanfei, Hu Guoxiong, Ranjitkar Sailesh, Shi Yinxian, Zhang Yu, Wang Yuhua. The implications of ritual practices and ritual plant uses on nature conservation: a case study among the Naxi in Yunnan Province, Southwest China. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2017, 13:58
14. Hu Guo-Xiong, Xiang Chun-Lei, Liu En-De, Dong Hong-Jin, & Funamoto Tsuneo. 2016. Karyotypic study of eighteen taxa of Salvia (Lamiaceae) from China. Caryologia, 69(1):50–57.
15. Xiang Chun-Lei, Hu Guo-Xiong & Peng Hua. Salvia wuana (Lamiaceae), a new name for S. pauciflora E. Peter. Phytotaxa, 2016, 255(1): 90–100.
16. Hu Guo-Xiong & Peng Hua. 2015. Identity of Salvia weihaiensis from China. Phytotaxa, 202(4): 298–300.
17. Hu Guo-Xiong, Liu Yan, Xu Wei-Bin & Liu En-De. 2014. Salvia petrophila (Lamiaceae), a New Species from North Guangxi and South Guizhou, China. Nordic Journal of Botany32(2): 190–195.
18. Hu Guo-Xiong, Xiang Chun-Lei & Liu En-De. 2013. Invasion status and risk assessment for Salvia tiliifolia, a recently recognized introduction to China. Weed Research, 53(5): 355–361.
19. Hu Guo-Xiong, Balangcod Teodora D. & Xiang Chun-Lei. 2012. Trichome micromorphology of the Chinese-Himalayan genus Colquhounia (Lamiaceae), with emphasis on taxonomic implications.Biologia, 67(5): 867–874.
20. 罗广令, 廖海民, 胡国雄*. 2022. 唇形科苣叶鼠尾草和岩生鼠尾草营养器官的比较解剖结构及其生态适应性. 植物科学学报, 40(5): 598–609.
21. 王美,安明态,胡国雄*. 2022.贵州被子植物5 个新记录属. 热带作物学报, 43(9): 1783–1787.
22. 罗广令、顾丽、廖海民、胡国雄*. 2021. 唇形科苣叶鼠尾草的新分布及适生区预测. 西北植物学报, 41(3): 501-508.
23. 王美,杨传东,安明态,胡国雄*.贵州省唇形科植物三个新记录种. 2021. 贵州大学学报( 自然科学版),38(4): 48–51.
24. 杨家鑫,廖海民,苟光前,胡国雄*. 2018. 贵州省蔷薇科一新记录属——牛筋条属.西南林业大学学报,38(4):210–212.
25. 胡国雄,安明态. 2018. 贵州省檀香科一新记录属——沙针属. 山地农业生物学报, 37(1):75–77.
1. 《中国维管束植物科属词典》,李德铢主编,2018. 北京:科学出版社.(参与编写唇形科、楝科、苦木科、橄榄科、铁青树科、青皮木科)。
2.《贵州野生兰科植物鉴别手册》陈东升,朱惊毅,范云美主编,2019. 贵阳:贵州科技出版社.(副主编)。
3. 《中国维管植物科属志》,李德铢主编,2020. 北京:科学出版社.(参与编写唇形科、楝科、苦木科、橄榄科、铁青树科、青皮木科)。