



电子邮箱:kehuli@foxmail.com; dianershu@outlook.com






2020-10至 现在       贵州大学,生命科学学院特聘教授

2017-072020-06     上海交通大学,食品科学与工程系博士后

2016-102017-06     香港大学,生物科学系科研助理

2012-102016-09     香港大学,生物科学系博士

2008-092011-06     浙江大学,园林系硕士                 

2004-092008-06     山东农业大学,园艺系学士



1. 外源激素调控石蒜鳞茎繁育的分子机制

2. 杂粮作物淀粉特性及遗传基础

3. 葛根基因组测序及基因功能分析

4. 贵州省特色食品软物质物化、功能特性及产品开发

5. 贵州省特色油料作物油脂品质特性及开发利用









1.      教育部高等教育司,产学合作协同育人项目,202002187004,生源国际化背景下生物学一流学科核心专业课程英语教学体系的创建与示范,2021-012023-125万元,在研,主持

2.      贵州大学,贵州大学自然科学专项(特岗)科研基金项目,702805203301,黍稷SSⅡa (Alk)基因系列多态性及其对淀粉精细结构和糊化温度的影响,2021-112023-1040万元,在研,主持

3.      贵州大学,贵州大学培育项目,贵大培育2020-26号,中国石蒜鳞茎淀粉颗粒粒径差异的分子机制,2022-12025-125.5万元,在研,主持



1.      Kehu Li, Tongze Zhang, Shwetha Narayanamoorthy, Can Jin, Zhongquan Sui, Zijun Li, Shunguo Li, Kao Wu, Guoqing Liu*, Harold Corke*, Diversity analysis of starch physicochemical properties in 95 proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) accessions, Food Chemistry, 2020, 324, 126863.

2.      Kehu Li#, Qingzhu Li#, Can Jin, Shwetha Narayanamoorthy, Tongze Zhang, Zhongquan Sui, Zijun Li, Youming Cai, Kao Wu, Yongchun Zhang*, Harold Corke*, Characterization of morphology and physicochemical properties of native starches isolated from 12 Lycoris species, Food Chemistry, 2020, 316, 126263.

3.      Kehu Li, Tongze Zhang, Zhongquan Sui, Shwetha Narayanamoorthy, Can Jin, Shunguo Li*, Harold Corke*,Genetic Variation in Starch Physicochemical Properties of Chinese Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica Beauv.), International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 133, 337-345.

4.      Kehu Li*, Molecular Approaches to Understanding Microbial Populations in Traditional Fermented Grain Products, Cereal Foods World, 2019, 64, 1, 0003.

5.      Kehu Li,Jinsong Bao, Harold Corke*, Mei Sun*, Genotypic diversity of environmental stability of starch physicochemical properties in the USDA rice mini-core collection, Food Chemistry, 2017, 221, 1186-1196.

6.      Kehu Li,Jinsong Bao, Harold Corke, Mei Sun*, Association analysis of markers derived from starch biosynthesis related genes with starch physicochemical properties in the USDA rice mini-core collection, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:424.

7.      Shwetha Narayanamoorthy, Chuangchuang Zhang, Zekun Xu, Mengting Ma, Zhongquan Sui, Kehu Li*, Harold Corke*, Genetic diversity and inter-relationships of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) starch traits. Starch-Stärke, 2021, 74: 2100189.

8.      Kehu Li#*, Qingzhu Li#, Lily Yan Wang, Huanhuan Ren, Yongyi Ge, Genetic variation and association mapping of phenolic, flavonoid content and antioxidant capacity in USDA rice mini-core collection. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2022, 69(4), 1685-1694.

9.      Kehu Li*, Lily Yan Wang, Huanhuan Ren, Yongyi Ge, Genotyping USDA rice mini-core collection with functional markers for important agronomic traits. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2022 DOI:10.1007/s10722-022-01375-w